they began to let go of it. We must all put our relationship on the altar before God and our spiritual path. If we don’t, life will bring us challenges in an attempt to get us to straighten out our misaligned priorities.
INVULNERABILITY. This is one of the most important qualities to develop to make your own relationship work. It is the understanding that you create your own reality and your own emotions. Neither your partner nor anyone else causes these. Just because you are married or in a committed relationship doesn’t mean that the relationship or marriage causes your emotions. The development of invulnerability means that no outside person or situation can take away your inner peace and joy unless you choose to allow this to happen.
Every person is emotionally vulnerable in this regard. We much each develop a strong psychological immune system. When your partner is irritable, moody or angry, you don’t have to take on his or her emotional state. Have compassion but do not allow yourself to absorb his/her emotions. Your job is to stay centered and help to bring your partner up, rather than allow him/her to bring you down.
The same applies to feelings of sadness, depression and grief. You can try to help where this is appropriate. But these are your partner’s emotions, not yours.
When it is aimed at you, you can choose to practice humility and turn the other cheek. Or you can communicate your spiritual observations to your partner in a loving way and your preference that they not do this. As A Course in Miracles says, “ An attack is a call for love.” Defensiveness and retaliation are not appropriate responses. The ideal romantic relationship deals with the transcendence of the negative ego.
MAINTAINING THE ROMANCE. There is a common belief that there is an inevitable loss of romance in all marriages. “ This is not true. the romance, the passion, the spark, can be kept going indefinitely. However, to achieve this takes conscious work so that bad habits are not allowed to grow like weeds in your relationship garden. When issues of having children, money pressures or job pressures enter in, even more consciousness is needed so that the spark of romance is not diminished.
In the relationship, it is often the little things that make all the difference, such as writing little loving notes, making a loving phone call, bringing flowers or buying a little gift for no special reason and creating special times for romantic intimacy, creating a date night, meditate together or go for a walk.
Creating a time once a week for taking care of business, both personal and work-related, works well. To maintain romance, one must become a master of priorities and time management. In the busy life of modern society, all lessons of life must be appropriately balanced. The romance factor must not be put on the bottom of the priority list.
SEXUALITY. What is crucial here is to create the time for this important part of your relationship. Each couple will differ in terms of what this means. Couples must find a selfish/selfless balance in terms of the sexual relationship so that both partner’s needs are met. Often relationships get into sexual habits and ruts that become rather unexciting after a while, and both parties must be willing to experiment a little and, perhaps, take chances. Both must ask for what they want and be willing to teach their partner. It is essential that both parties be willing to initiate sexual involvement, for this should not be only the man’s job. Both partners should try to serve one another’s needs first while enjoying the sexual interaction. Communication in this area, as in all areas of life, is the key.
It is suggested that couples not go more than three months without sexual contact, for there is a certain kind of bonding and connection that needs to be maintained.
This is not to say that couples should not have sex as much as they want. It is trying to show here an extreme in couples who are not sexually focused. With sexuality, as with all things, balance, moderation and integration in other areas of one’s life must be maintained. It is another form of communication and an expression of love. Sexual expression is appropriate when it serves the higher self and not the lower or carnal self. Sexuality is appropriate when it is loving, supportive, and pleasurable to both partners. Sexuality is appropriate in terms of that which creates intimacy and love.
RANDOM ACTS. Keep surprising your spouse/partner with random acts of kindness, love and small gifts. If you make up your mind that you are going to cultivate and maintain love, it will happen. If it doesn’t, you are with the wrong partner. Listen closely to the things your spouse/partner says to you. For example, you might be walking in the mall and he or she might innocently comment about wanting something, not really thinking he/she will ever get it. Make a note to yourself, and at some appropriate occasion get it for him//her. Doing such things shows that you care, that you are listening to him/her, that what he/she wants is important to you. If you try, this will inspire your spouse to try. This demonstrates that with all the lessons and stresses of life, you are not forgetting him/her.
COMPLIMENTS. Tell your spouse/partner how nice he/she looks when she gets dressed up-and, for that matter, anytime you feel inspired. Make a habit of complimenting her/him. Everyone likes a compliment. Make it your job to help him/her build self-esteem and feeling of self-love. Don’t be afraid to spoil your partner a little.
ASKING FOR WHAT YOU WANT. Be sure to ask your partner for what you want. In other words, you are doing all these nice things for them, and there may be things you would like them to do for you. One of the most important principles of an effective relationship is to ask. You can be asked to be touched more. You can ask for more expressions of appreciation. State your request as a loving preference. Ask and you shall receive. When you are being so nice to your partner/spouse, he/she will respond in kind.
Most couples receive what they are given instead of seeing that by asking, they can stimulate the giving process. You are not attached, so if they don’t do what you ask, you are still happy. If it is given, it will be given to your freely out of their own free choice. Your lack of manipulation in terms of the way you state it, and your lack of neediness, breed love. People do not like to give to people who are clinging vines. They do like to give to people who are strong and loving and clear.
Your positive demonstration and your clear, preferential requests for what you want will create and build a flow of love energy that fills you fully. Your giving will fill you full of love, and the reciprocation from your partner, both spontaneously and by your asking, will fill you full of love.
Reflection Question: Do you see how in life everything is a matter of just making adjustments? Keep making adjustments in your relationship by demonstrating love and asking for what you want until your romantic relationships comes perfectly back into the tao.
THE TOP OF YOUR PRIORITY LIST. Tell your spouse/partner that he/she is at the top of your priority page right next to being right with yourself and right with God and that you will be demonstrating this by your actions from now on. Ask her or him to join you in this commitment.
REPEATING YOUR MARRIAGE/COMMITMENT VOWS. Consider repeating your marriage or relationship commitment vows. This can be a private ceremony you do yourself or a spiritual marriage or partner ceremony with a minister or rabbi. This ceremony will be the rebirth or renewal of your marriage vows in the light of the Christ consciousness. It will be a commitment to demonstrate a soul/monadic -level or ascended-master romantic relationship.
USING THIS BOOK TOGETHER. This golden key may be one of the most important of all. Ask your partner to read this book as a personal favor to you. Go through these golden keys and make a checklist of the ones you want to practice. Then hang it on your bulletin board and go over it every morning for minute or two. Maybe you can even read the book together and discuss the keys as you read. (Book: Ascension and Romantic Relationships by Joshua David Stone, PH.D. & Rev. Janna Shelley Parker).
BALANCING POWER WITH SENSITIVITY. Demonstrate a balance between personal power and sensitivity and keep your ideal a masculine/feminine balance. This applies to both men and women. A woman likes a man who is strong, but one who can also be very loving and sensitive. This combination is the greatest sexual aphrodisiac. A woman who is loving and sensitive but not in touch with her power tends to be childlike. This can be a turn-on and attractive for a little while, but eventually gets old. A man who is strong but not sensitive cannot connect on an intimate level. A man who is sensitive but has no power is also a turn-off.
OPENNESS WITH POWER/SENSITIVITY. One of the golden keys in romantic involvements was to be powerful in romantic and sexual advances. Always be sensitive, but if you want to kiss a woman do not be shy about
If you want to make love to a woman tell her. Women like this. Speaking from a man’s perspective, men like this openness and expression of personal power ( with sensitivity) as well.
EXPERIMENTATION. This applies to the dating process as well as marriage. Dating is clearly an experiment of sorts. You go out with someone you don’t know very well. You are checking things out. Don’t be afraid to experiment. In other words, touch the other person on the hand or leg while conversing and see how that makes you feel and how it makes them. As you get to know him/her better, you might experiment and kiss them, just to see how it feels. Be powerful about it. Look at it as an experiment. Ask him/her to dance and see how that feels. People are often too shy and sensitive to do this. If you wait until you feel like it or when it or when it feels totally comfortable, it might never happen. Sometimes such an experiment might not work, but that is good information.
This concept of experimentation also applies sexually, when if you get to this point. In a committed relationship and marriage, be willing to experiment. Get some of the sex manuals or books on tantric sexuality and try some of the different positions and tantric meditations. When you are through, talk about it with your partner. What did you like and what didn’t you like? Make mental notes about what worked and what didn’t. Over time you will build up a rich arsenal of lovemaking knowledge. Your partner wants to be sexually fulfilled as much as you do. If you think of this process as experimenting, there is no judgment when something doesn’t work. The most important thing is that you communicate with each other to monitor what is working and what is not both partners.
INDEPENDENCE VS. NEEDINESS. Don’t fall into neediness, dependency and clinging-vine mentality. Both should make it clear that they are fully capable of being on their own if they have to, though this is not their preference. Knowing that your partner can make it on his/her own without you and you without him or her makes both partners be on their toes and not take the other for granted. It also prevents the resentment that comes from overdependence.
COMPROMISE. Sometimes in a relationships, you have to do things you don’t want to do, but you can accept them and have a positive attitude
You might have to go over to the in-laws for Christmas dinner and perhaps you don’t feel like it. Forget about your feelings-feelings are not your god. The Yiddish word, mensch, is good here. A mensch is a good person or solid citizen who always does what is right. sometimes what it right is something you don’t feel like doing. Your spouse/partner might want to go on vacation and you really don’t want to. At some point you will probably feel it is best to just bite the bullet and go.
Once you make the choice to meet a specific need of your partner, keep a positive attitude and have a good time. Feelings are often created by the negative ego with its selfish perspective. Being in a relationship involves compromise. You can’t always do exactly what you want. If you are not willing to do what your partner wants to do at least part of the time, you have no business being in a relationship. Maybe a single life is best for you.
SHARING PERSONAL FEELINGS AND SECRETS. In our society men are often taught to be silent, to be macho and never cry. Women are trained to be the exact the opposite. they love to share feelings and their innermost secrets. Men clearly need to open up more. Women, on the other hand, often need more masculine energy in terms of learning to be more impersonal and having a greater mastery of their emotions and desires bodies.
In terms of relationships, there need to be an open flow of sharing one’s inner reality. What is the purpose of a relationship if you are not willing to do this? This is the main reason for having a full-time romantic partner. He/she is is someone with whom you can share your deepest feelings and thoughts and feel safe in doing so. This builds intimacy and closeness. Men need to let down their barriers and do this more. Women are good teachers here.
STANDARDS OF BEAUTY. Both men and women should let go og societal norms about beauty. Physical beauty is not what Playboy magazine and our media make it out to be. So beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is very important for both men and women-for themselves and their relationship-to let of society’s standards of glamour and beauty.
CONSIDERATION. There is a great need to be thoughtful and considerate. So much in a relationship has to do with transcending selfishness. If you are going to run an errand, ask your spouse if there is anything he/she needs. The little things you can do for each other are endless, so be creative and inventive.
Act like a gentlemen and a gentlewoman. When one is first dating, we all act like perfect gentlepeople. After marriage/committed relationship, we let go of many of these noble qualities. The list is endless here too, such as opening the car door for your wife, helping her on with her coat and lifting heavier objects. Some may call this sexist; we call it being considerate. In the reverse, there are little things women can do in a more feminine frame of reference. It may have to do with cooking and serving meals or creating a lovely home, bringing her husband his slippers, unfolding or making the bed. Some of these may seem like silly examples, but it is a principle here that is important.
DIVIDING CHORES. Everyone has certain chores they hate and certain chores they don’t mind. Be creative. Work out a fair division of responsibilities that both people are comfortable with.
SPIRITUAL TESTS. Every conflict you overcome in your relationship/marriage deepens and strengthens the bond. Every fight and conflict is a spiritual test of your love for each other. Do not bail out of a relationship at the first spiritual test. Bailing out is easy. Hanging in there and processing all lessons is the true test of maturity in a relationship.
FREQUENCY OF SEX. There is no hard, fast rule about the frequency of sexual involvement. Some people have a higher libido than others. There are other factors such as one’s spiritual focus, priorities, job stress, level of physical health. Obviously, when you first become deeply involved, your desire for sexual contact will be relatively high, and this is appropriate for the bonding process. The frequency will also change during different phases of the marriage. Some compromise may be needed. It is also possible to have sexual involvement without either one having an orgasm. In some sexual involvement the man or the woman might not feel like having an orgasm but can still pleasure the partner. As long as this doesn’t become a regular habit, this is appropriate. In a christed relationship, your partner’s needs are just as important, or even more important,than your own. Great pleasure is received from meeting your partner’s needs.